Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pioneer Woman's Chai Concentrate

The last couple weeks I've been using the Tazo or Oregon Chai concentrate to make a chai latte every morning for breakfast, but the flavor is still not quite right. So I hunted and found a recipe to make my own.

I just brewed a batch of this chai concentrate, and am so far pretty happy with the results. Forgot to add vanilla, just used brown sugar to sweeten to taste, and didn't have cardamom pods or seed. Just used ground cardamom, but I twisted mine up in a coffee filter and threw it in hoping it wouldn't add sediment to the end result. Everything else I just eyeballed and added, but next time I'm going to go crazy on the ginger and cinnamon and back off on the whole cloves. My tongue is tingling, that's how much clove was in my batch. Whoops.

Anyways, I'm excited to just have a basic recipe to tweak to my liking and I'll just do a massive batch of this once a week or so and store it in my fridge for cheap, easy delicious chai. Awesome.


  1. nothing better than a good cup of chai:)


  2. Somewhere recently I read about a cold brew coffee concentrate that sounded awesome, too.
