Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Vivian Maier

Have you heard about the 'new' photographer Vivian Maier? Her recently discovered work was uncovered by a John Maloof while he was doing unrelated research for a book. Purchased from an auction house who was selling off the contents of a storage locker, and having no knowledge of "street photography," it wasn't until later he realized the value of what he'd found.

She was a nanny who was constantly taking photos, (starting in the 50's) which she didn't show anyone and massive amounts of (hundreds of undeveloped rolls!) which she never even saw herself. Later, he tried to google her name, found on some of the negatives, and discovered she'd died only days earlier.

There's a documentary in the works, and a book, and a showing in Chicago. I find the whole thing fascinating, and the photographs themselves astonishing. See the blog, and a new york times article.

(Still want a rollei, and to shoot more black and white film-I have three rolls staring me in the face as we speak.)


  1. I clicked on the link and ended up looking at her photos for like half an hour. Really incredible.
