Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vintage Shoes

Ok. I'm convinced. My local thrift store always has amazing vintage shoes and I'm forever passing up these $4 dollars a pair gems. I'm not sure I'm hipster enough to rock a 1970's wooden soled pair of leather platforms or little brown oxfords, but I'm ready to try. It's a new year, people, and I'm shaking it up over here, footwear style.

(*I know some folks are creeped out by used shoes, but I'm a middle child so I had plenty of hand me downs from cousins, neighbors and my older sister to have no fear that way. I figure, how many foot diseases are there? You can always disinfect and there's always the option of protective sock wearing. That said, I check the sole and inside for wear and pass on the creepy shoes (work boots and cowboy boots, I'm looking at you.) Plus there's the eco-friendly recycling side of it, and the fact that on any budget, four dollars for a long wearing, well made pair of shoes is a good deal.)*

all photos click through to their etsy listing

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