Wednesday, October 14, 2009


This is blog post #100, ya'll. Who knew.

In other news, I want a house. In fact, my life goals consist roughly of this: 1) Sell arty stuff I make
and 2) Get a house. Maybe add some world travel and a second language to that and I'm set for accomplishments.

Anyway, this wee 1920's bungalow is for sale here, listed at $82,500. Sure, it needs some work, but I'd rather be the one pulling up the colored carpet and putting down what I want than living with some misinformed new beige industrial carpeting that is already there. No guilt about wasting worn, outdated ugliness, you know? And I know, I KNOW that my husband and I could take this and turn it into something bright and cheery and sweet.
The problem is that we are young, and broke, and definitely don't have enough in the bank for a down payment. Do I want a piece of that $8,000 dollar tax credit and the ability to swap out dented plastic renter's blinds for actual window coverings? Please.

The thing that most kills me about having terrible, youth riddled credit is that the mortgage would be nearly exactly what I'm paying in rent. And I'd be allowed to paint the walls and kill the lawn weeds and replace the stick on linoleum flooring instead of stoically bearing it.

So. The plan as it stands right now is this: pay off our wee debt, get amazing high paying jobs, keep our money in the bank, and someday.

p.s.- How much do you love that very BLUE bathroom? Yowsa.