Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Flower Geekery

Even though I haven't worked for the floral shop for nearly as long as I did, I still check the shop email, and pursue the weekly price lists from a couple vendors. Wanna know what's cheap and in season this week? Out of all the things I've ever tried, I like flowers best of all.

*For any interested parties, bunches cherry branches are down to $8.20 this week. Heh. You picked the perfect time to have a cherry blossom wedding as far as seasonality goes. So, you know. Way to rock the awesome.

1 comment:

  1. That's what I was going for. I was *rreeeaalllyy* paying attention last year to when things started to bloom, and didn't really settle on the date I had until the beginning of May, I think. Yeah, I'm pretty much amazing like that.
